Elizabeth Gilbert (author of the best-selling Eat, Pray, Love ) talks to us , in her wonderful TED talk The Tiny Tech , about the dangers of believing yourself , as an artist, the absolute demiurge of your creations .
This trend, which began with the Renaissance, by placing the human being at the center of the universe , was , according to her, a mistake .
Quoting her words,«Allowing someone, a simple person, to believe that they are the container, the source, the essence and the origin of all the divine, creative and unfathomable mystery is perhaps a lot of responsibility for a fragile human psyche. “It’s like asking someone to swallow the sun.”
This “magical” part of creative work is palpable in the anecdotes that Elizabeth Gilbert tells in her talk about the poet Ruth Stone,
whose poems literally followed her through the fields, while she ran home to get a pencil and a sheet of paper to catch them before they passed by;
and he cried to heaven for that song to go find another artist, because he couldn’t handle it at that moment; or when in certain cultures people allow themselves to be overcome by the outburst in sacred dances. And surely you have also felt that magic on occasions while doing some artistic activity.
Become a channel for your creations
We do not create from nothing, nor do we configure our creations based on knowledge and rationality. Creating is more about becoming a suitable channel to transmit a truth or an experience than about manufacturing it. You don’t create reality: it is or, rather, it is.
You, as an artist, are a mere conductor and, to be so, you must try to create favorable conditions for this conduction or transmission to occur effectively,
among other things, learn the technique, and persevere in the work with pleasure and diligence until the moment comes. magical transmission to occur.
But the artist’s real work has more to do with “memoir ghostwriter” than with “doing.”
It is not about putting a lot of effort or fabricating the story with your mind, but rather letting it emerge in you and transferring it with all the tools at your disposal.
Free yourself from the intermediary of intellect
If “I” am the one who configures each sentence, if “I” am the one who creates my characters from nothing, if “I” am the one who creates a voice, etc., what I am doing is continually interposing a very heavy intermediary between creation and source of origin.
This is something that is very noticeable in those who begin to write,
Disappears in a very personal way
However, if you maintain an open attitude (in which meditation can help you a lot),
simply letting the work emerge through you, without any type of intermediation of the memoir ghostwriter, your texts will become much more fluid and natural.
According to the philosopher Heidegger, the bad writer would be the one who tries to put, impose or superimpose words on things,
This very personal way of disappearing in favor of things is what each writer has to reveal.
If you look, it’s not just about “disappearing”, but doing it in a “very personal” way.
That is to say, abandoning the “I” does not mean “ceasing being”, but precisely letting your authentic nature emerge,
and that is where you will feel at home.
Enjoy deception with the eyes of a child
We have already seen how clinging to the “memoir ghostwriter” conditions your way of developing creativity. And loosening that clinging to something non-existent can open you up to a broader universe of unlimited possibilities.
There is a Buddhist
anecdote that shows the three different attitudes that could exist in the face of an apparently magical event:
If someone, in a dark room, moves an incense stick very quickly in circles,
it may seem as if they were drawing a circle of fire in space. .
Become others
The attitude that encourages memoir ghostwriter and meditation is the latter.
You discover that there is no such thing that you can call “I” but, at the same time.
In fact, you can perceive yourself as very different people not only throughout your life, but at every moment consciousness.
In literature, this translates , as you loosen your grip on your own identity,
into much greater freedom when creating characters and getting into their skin.